Saturday, March 28, 2020

How Can You Use Biology To Your Advantage?

How Can You Use Biology To Your Advantage?Like a monkey or chimpanzee the apes are very similar to us in terms of brain structure, and also in their ability to adapt quickly. The discovery of the ape intelligence and many ways to use it in their daily lives has been a long term venture, but it is relatively new to us humans. Like our close cousins, they have the ability to learn almost immediately and they are constantly making advances in their abilities, sometimes very rapidly, as they were able to find a new way to use their new found powers and develop them into new ways of living, and in our case in a hunter-gatherer society.The most important lessons the ape man has learned is the principles of survival and the art of cooperating with others in order to survive. Primitive man however did not have such important components to their culture. The ape man was like a lazy leaf that sits there doing nothing but eating while all of the cool kids are out playing.That key lesson that th e apes have learned is how to make chemicals from things that they eat, use and digest to keep them alive. These chemicals are then used to help their bodies deal with situations that are much more serious than any short term fight. They can produce weapons, and weapons come in many different forms. It does not matter if it is a stone club, or a spear.This principle is the basis of everything that we do today, because it helps us to create things which are far more effective than any human invention can be. The problem is that, it is also a great safety device for the predator, and if he or she does not take it seriously, then the result can be deadly.A good example of this is hunting by the hand and eye in which the ape man will point to where they see something move or know there is a trap, and then he darts out of the area and casts his weapon. He will never stop unless he realizes the trap is sprung, and then he makes a kill. If the creature or predator does not care about that, they will walk right through the trap and get out of the field to continue what they were doing.However, this system is just about the best we have at present, and it is far less effective than the current methods of hunting that we have. The reason is that the predator will not be in a position to think about anything else, but the ape man who makes such a strong decision on when to make a strike is not. These types of decisions are as close to mind reading as any of us can get, and are one of the main reason that animals never try to trick us into doing things that we don't want to do.These are the two main reasons why the key of finding ways to use your chemistry is so important. You do not always have to run and hide, but if you are a hunter, you need to be able to make those decisions quickly in order to survive.

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